In the landscape of Maltese society, a troubling mindset seems to persist—a mentality that accepts mediocrity, justifies wrong decisions, and perpetuates a cycle of subpar actions. The phrase “u iva mhux xorta” encapsulates this attitude, reflecting a willingness to cut corners, break the law, and excuse deficiencies with the belief that the previous government was no better. This corrosive mindset, deeply ingrained in the fabric of Maltese culture, poses a significant barrier to progress. In this blog post, we will explore the detrimental effects of this mentality on the nation’s development and advocate for a collective commitment to improvement.

Anecdotes abound that highlight a broader issue—the acceptance of indiscipline accepted by the general public, or even worse defended. Instances where citizens demand special treatment as a condition for political support reveal a society willing to break rules, confident that authorities will turn a blind eye. This culture of indiscipline, rooted in a lack of respect for each other and the rule of law, has deeper consequences than individual cases.

The term “u iva mhux xorta” is not unfamiliar in discussions at all levels of society in this country, and unfortunately, it finds resonance in Malta. The willingness to cut corners, the reluctance to follow due process, and the lax attitude towards questionable activities characterize a nation at risk of losing its integrity. Instances where legal boundaries are blurred serve as symbolic representations of the “u iva mhux xorta” mentality, with successive governments, sadly turning a blind eye.

One alarming trend is the increasing number of people becoming passive passengers on the “anything goes” train. The perception that those that lead us are not leading by example creates a mindset where individuals believe they can get away with bending or breaking the rules. This passive acceptance of a flawed system, as long as it doesn’t directly impact individuals, contributes to the perpetuation of a culture that hinders progress.

To overcome the “u iva mhux xorta” mentality, a collective shift in mindset is imperative. Laws, regulations, and basic principles of respect should be non-negotiable, irrespective of political affiliations. The desire to improve, to do things correctly even if it takes time and resources, should become a shared value. It’s time for the people to demand accountability from their leaders and to reject the fatalistic notion that progress is unattainable.

The prevalence of substandard projects, inadequate infrastructure, pollution, and scandals are symptoms of a deeper issue—the acceptance of half-baked projects and a lack of commitment to excellence. Progress is hindered when shortcuts are taken, and the long-term consequences are ignored for short-term gains. The call to action is clear: demand quality, insist on proper procedures, and reject the compromise of excellence for expediency.

We should expect better, demand better and strive to be better. I do believe that this country has improved ten-fold over the last half century, yet there’s a long way to go. In order to reach our potential we need to stop defending the indefensible and we need to call out anything that is not done correctly irrespective of who done it. If you love our country, please remove the politically tinted shades that are worn consistently and look at things more objectively.

We’ve come a long way, but we’re not there yet and if we’re to get where we want to be, we need to start demanding better immediately.