Yep! It’s important to put up such notices. Just in case someone was thinking about it please note that you were advised not to mount it ….
This is probably the best thing you’ll see all day! Here’s Zack Anner. He’s a comedian, actor and writer with cerebral palsy. In this clip he’s talking with Kristina Kuzmic of Truth Bomb Mom.
Heartfelt congratulations to Sara Ezabe for being chosen by Forbes to be part of their list of 30 Under 30, 30 individuals under the age of 30, that are making a difference in today’s world. Sara was nominated in this… Continue Reading →
Dear Minister Bonnici, It’s been a month since the lawyers of Christopher Bartolo filed a special bail request so that he can be let out until his case is re-assessed, and you’re still procrastinating on a decision.
This evening I came across a Facebook post that truly touched my heart. A young 27 year old Australian woman, Holly Butcher, wrote a letter that she requested to be posted on her Facebook when she passes away. In four… Continue Reading →
It’s not everyday that we say thank you, however if there’s someone that deserves a big thank you and gratitude for what they did it’s surely Janice Caruana and Chris Spiteri. These two nurses saved the lives of a young… Continue Reading →
Christopher Bartolo is in a race against time. He lost his kidneys and another one that was transplanted was rejected too. Unfortunately Christopher Barotlo isn’t being cured with dignity in hospital as patients in his dire situation deserve however he’s… Continue Reading →
If you received phone calls from an unknown overseas number yesterday, you weren’t the only one. In the past few days there’s been an increase in attempts at a spam technique known as ‘Wangiri’. On Facebook there were dozens of… Continue Reading →
There are particular times in life when you stop, smile and can’t help yourself being proud. This is definitely one of those moments. Seeing my dear brother Clint Abela-Wadge brimming with love and kindness for an amazing kid like Katriel… Continue Reading →
Today is a special day for our country. Today we celebrate L-Istrina. A celebration of love and generosity where the whole country comes together and collects funds for the Community Chest Fund in order to be able to help all… Continue Reading →
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